Robust Feature Points Correspondences for Visual Object Tracking

Undergraduate Thesis 2013

Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Matching visual appearances of target sample reservoir over consecutive image frames is the most critical issue in sequence-based object tracking. Recent literatures show the effectiveness of the utilization of local feature points set instead of any global feature vectors of patches. A traditional tracking-by-detection framework without taking advantages of geometric information, however, ignores more or less the potential contributions of feature points. This paper proposes a totally novel tracking-by-correspondences framework, a generative approach via an adaptively-selected robust appearance model, a one-step orient motion model based on points correspondences, an automatic scale determination and a clustered online updating target sample reservoir. Extensive experiments validate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method, and demonstrate the improved performance has been competitive enough to surpass the state of this art.


Robust feature points selection

Object tracking

Results and comparisons





  author = {Yu, Ning},
  title = {Robust Feature Points Correspondences for Visual Object Tracking},
  booktitle = {Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) Undergraduate Thesis},
  year = {2013}


I acknowledge Wenyu Liu and Yu Zhou for their constructive advice in general. This research is supported by Microsoft Young Fellowship, Chinese National Fellowship, and HUST Undergraduate Research and Innovation Funding.

Related Work

T. Ma, L. Latecki. Maximum Weight Cliques with Mutex Constraints for Video Object Segmentation. CVPR 2012.
Comment: The algorithm that is used in our work for robust feature point selection given mutex constraints.
H. Liu, S. Yan. Common Visual Pattern Discovery via Spatially Coherent Correspondences. CVPR 2010.
Comment: The algorithm that is used in our work for robust point correspondence discovery.
J. Shi, J. Malik. Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation. PAMI 2000.
Comment: The algorithm that is used in our work for reservoir clustering and updates.
S. Gu, Y. Zheng, C. Tomasi. Efficient Visual Object Tracking with Online Nearest Neighbor Classifier. ACCV 2010.
Comment: A baseline tracking framework that combines nearest neighbor classifier with efficient subwindow search as the motion model.