Texture Mixer: A Network for Controllable Synthesis and Interpolation of Texture

CVPR 2019

Ning Yu1,2,4      Connelly Barnes3,4      Eli Shechtman3      Sohrab Amirghodsi3      Michal Lukáč3
1. University of Maryland      2. Max Planck Institute for Informatics      3. Adobe Research      4. University of Virginia


This paper addresses the problem of interpolating visual textures. We formulate this problem by requiring (1) by-example controllability and (2) realistic and smooth interpolation among an arbitrary number of texture samples. To solve it we propose a neural network trained simultaneously on a reconstruction task and a generation task, which can project texture examples onto a latent space where they can be linearly interpolated and projected back onto the image domain, thus ensuring both intuitive control and realistic results. We show our method outperforms a number of baselines according to a comprehensive suite of metrics as well as a user study. We further show several applications based on our technique, which include texture brush, texture dissolve, and animal hybridization.


Texture Interpolation 128x1024

Texture Dissolve 1024x1024


Texture Brush 512x2048

Animal hybridization





Press coverage

QbitAI Academia News


  author = {Yu, Ning and Barnes, Connelly and Shechtman, Eli and Amirghodsi, Sohrab and Luk\'{a}\v{c}, Michal},
  title = {Texture Mixer: A Network for Controllable Synthesis and Interpolation of Texture},
  booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year = {2019}


This research was supported by Adobe Research Funding. We thank to the Flickr photographers for licensing photos under Creative Commons or public domain.

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